Did you know that BLOG is an acronym? It stands for Big Load of Gossip. I laughed so hard when i first found out. Sadly it's actually pretty true most of the time but none the less, i enjoy blogging. Its like writing in a Journal for me, its a place to write my thoughts, ask questions, and share personal insight. And besides its a great way to share experiences with other people as well.
Well it's Summer Semester at
BYU-Idaho already and classes start tomorrow. I have spent my spring break with close friends and family and to be honest I was sad to leave. W. is due in just a matter of days, and it felt like such a short time to be able to spend with long missed friends. C. and B. were married in the San Diego temple. I was so happy for them, they looked positively happy, i can't wait to have someone who i feel that way with. I got back to Idaho last night, it was a long drive, and i was able to get the few things i needed done before the Sabbath day. I almost forgot how expensive groceries are, but then again, i did say ALMOST. Church was so good today. Sacrament meeting was about Prayer, reverence and revelation. We are so capable of receiving so many blessings if we only take the necessary steps. Some of the things that stood out to me most were :
- Prayer= Peace,
- Hope= Anchor of Man,
- If you don't ask, you don't receive- Revelation requires action
- Receiving a Gift and Opening it are two different things, Just as Asking and
Knocking, Knocking is the opening of the gift and it takes effort. - Every ONE that asketh, shall receive
Then there was Sunday School where we discussed the Law of Consecration. When the lord first issued the Law it would have worked except for one thing. There were a few members with in the United Order who suffered a thing called pride. Pride selfishness and a need to be better then someone else destroyed the lord's perfect law. Some people compare communism with the Law but they do not fully understand, because they are VERY different. The law has agency, and has a stewardship. No one can be a Free loader in the law because everyone must contribute fully in order to make it work. Although today we don't have the Law of Consecration required in its fullness we still have small things which are preparing us to live it again some day. We always make sure everyone is taken care of, just like the law, and we do it through Home and Visiting teaching, generous fast offerings and tithing, also with Service.
"If you do not like you lot in life, build a service Station"
When we serve each other we lose nothing, only gain can be brought about from service not only to those who are served but those who also serve.
We may not live that Law today but we do live a law for we are required to take care of one another. Are you serving today? Or have you not built your service station yet? Go out, serve, prepare yourself, and live your life in accordance to the Gospel of the lord. God loves you all, you are only tried to make you stronger and to prepare you for the great lessons and blessings he ask in store for you. Go out, Pray with all energy of your heart, serve to your fullest capacity, Love your fellow men, and make every trial another reason to prove to the lord, you are on his side. Choose to be Happy today.Jesus in the Christ, Families are ForEVER, and serving others is a good answer!